Thursday, June 14, 2018

Google combines AR hk and microscope for cancer detection

[PConline News] Google has used its expertise in deep learning and augmented reality to create something that can play a substantive role in the medical community. Google has developed an Augmented Reality Microscope (ARM) that assists in the detection of cancer. Although the microscope is still a prototype, Google believes it can help pathologists around the world accelerate the adoption of deep learning tools.


The ARM microscope is an improved light microscope that allows the demonstration of real-time image analysis and machine learning algorithm results directly within the medical professional's field of vision. One of the most important parts of the ARM platform is that the required technology can be retrofitted into the optical microscopes of existing global hospitals and clinics.

Google also pointed out that AR HK systems use low-cost and easy-to-use components, and do not need to analyze the entire digital version of the entire organization. Computational components and deep learning models (such as those built on TensorFlow) allow a series of pre-trained models to run on the ARM platform.

Google said that users will view samples through the eyepieces on the ARM as they would on a conventional microscope. The machine learning algorithm projects its output in real time onto the user's light path. The projection of the digital information is superimposed on the sample image to help the viewer locate or quantify the features of interest on the slide.

The demonstration implementation runs at 10 frames per second, allowing the user to seamlessly update the model output as the user scans the organization by moving slides or changing the magnification. ARM can provide users with a variety of visual feedback, including overviewing the detected tumor area with a green outline, or placing arrows and text in the field of view. Google believes that ARM has the potential to have a significant impact on the global health industry.

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